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Zero K: The Blog

Michele Gordon On What It Takes To Be Successful In The Fitness Industry (and Much More!)

Michele Gordon On What It Takes To Be Successful In The Fitness Industry (and Much More!)

This work is very physically and mentally demanding. There were days when I was teaching 7-8 hours a day. While you have to eat to maintain energy, you need to balance that with not eating too much.
Ally Love Discusses Body Image, The Challenges Of Professional Dancing & More

Ally Love Discusses Body Image, The Challenges Of Professional Dancing & More

Endurance is so important - it is my human superpower. When I am hosting a game or teaching a class it requires continuous mental presence and engagement, not just being present physically - it is physically and mentally taxing. 
What It's Really Like To Be A Trainer - A Conversation With Juliana Estrella

What It's Really Like To Be A Trainer - A Conversation With Juliana Estrella

There is a lot of work and preparation that goes into every class. On average, I spend about 20 hours a week between preparing for my Rumble classes and...
John Cianca and Zero K Wipes

Interview with Instructor John Cianca

John Cianca is a New York City-based fitness professional. He leads HIIT and running classes at Equinox and also teaches Yoga. We spoke to him to learn more about...
Interview with Coach Bryna Carracino

Interview with Coach Bryna Carracino

Bryna Carracino is a New York City-based trainer and coach.  She is the creator of REHAB.  We spoke to her to learn more about what makes REHAB un...